
December 1, 2014

Christmas Trees and the Season of Charity

I am excited to share with you a great opportunity for giving. 

This is the time of year we are all counting out blessings.  Most of us are so beyond blessed and it gets lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  We are too busy focused on soccer practice and getting meals on the table, we forget to stop and think what a blessing those mundane hassles are.  There are people all around the world who make do with far less, and sadly there are people out there who are not making due at all.  I am very happy to be able to present to you this wonderful opportunity to help those less fortunate than us.

Balsam Hill is a great Christmas site.  It had beyond beautiful decorations and amazing Christmas trees.  It is definitely worth checking out, but I am not talking about that today.  They have an amazing charity event going on right now.  They are matching any charitable donation up to 10,000 100%.  Also for every $10 you donate you are entered into a raffle to a Christmas tree with all the trimmings or hundreds of dollars in gift cards.  The charities that you can donate to are amazing.  I am excited for the chance to donate to Embrace Global.  They do great work with maternal and child health care.  There are other great one to choose from, I would go check them out here.  This is a great way to give back and Balsam Hill is going to help you give back even more.  So check out the great organizations you can donate to and double what you can give.  Be a blessing to someone out there who is in need of you help.


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