December 1, 2012

Toddler Christmas Activity 4: Christmas Cards

And here comes the 4th Christmas Activity in my series.  Today we will be spreading Christmas Cheer to the babies favorite people.

Who doesn't love getting Christmas cards in the mail?  Every year I mean to do them and every year time slips away from me and I don't get them done.  So this year I decided to involve the babies are start small.  Today the babies and I wrote some Christmas cards.  They love anything that involves crayons and I think grandmas will enjoy there little card from the babies.

Starting traditions like this now is important to me because I like the idea that they will never remember a time when they didn't send a card to the people they love.  It is so nice to have traditions and cards are a great way of letting people know you are thinking about them, so I thought this would be a nice tradition to start.  Maybe next year I can be more on the ball and get Christmas cards off to everyone I care about.

Check out more of the Toddler Christmas Activities
Toddler Christmas Activity 1: Exploring Decorations
Toddler Christmas Activity 2: Playing with the Nativity
Toddler Christmas Activity3: Watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Toddler Christmas Activity 5: Christmas Library Books
Toddler Christmas Activity 6: Stacking Christmas Trees



  1. I can't wait for Violet to be able to color, I really look forward to sending sweet notes to grandparents. :)

    1. I am so glad you linked up this activity to Raising Imperfection! Thanks for linking up with every week, we love having with with us.

  2. Great idea having the added touch from the babies on the Christmas cards!

    Thank you for linking with Raising Imperfection. Please come back Friday to see if you were featured!
    Hope you entered to be our co-host! You get an entry just for linking up!


  3. Awe, who wouldn't love getting a Christmas Card from a precious kid! New Follower!

  4. Awe Christmas Cards are so much fun and the anticipation! This year I opted out due to running out of time but its a great tradition. New Follower


  5. I just mailed my Christmas cards out on Friday. Your little ones made custom cards. That's cute! Im one of your newest followers. I would love for you to follow me back.

  6. Love it! And love that they get to be involved as well. My daughter has always insisted on being involved in all of that stuff, and the results are always fun!

  7. Hi Mary! Lovely blog and adorable family! I might just have to let Drew use some crayons on our xmas cards to grandparents. Great idea!

  8. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough for things like this!

    I'm your newest follower from the Mom's Monday Mingle hop :)

  9. Wow. I love this series -- how fun for the little ones! Of course, they will love doing Christmas cards. It would be fun to Skype a loved one and watch them open it too!

    Lindsey @

  10. So glad I found this series! I can't believe Christmas is only 20 days away & I feel like I haven't done anything with my babies! Will definitely be consulting this list!

    Thanks for linking up via the Raising Imperfection hop!
    ~Elisabeth@The Beekeeper's Granddaughter

  11. I love having my kids decorate cards to send out at Christmas too! One year I printed little nativity coloring postcards and they colored them in for everyone!

  12. I am working on painting candy canes, trees, and other Christmas things to put on card stock to give to people from Destructo for Christmas. I am loving this series.

  13. They are so cute, i cant stop adoring them, and I must say that your article on christmas activities for toddlers are wonderful. Please keep it on.
