December 3, 2012

Toddler Christmas Activity 5: Going to the Library to get Christmas Books

For the 5th installment of the my Christmas activity series we are heading to the library to celebrate the holidays with a few special books.

Every Monday (well most Mondays) we go the the library for story time.  They babies love to go and see all the other kids and sings songs and read books.  Sometime we borrow books but we have so many at home that we don't always.  But this week is extra special!  Daddy is going with us!  Will was able to get some time off work for an hour or so, so he went with us.  I don't know who had more fun Penny and Ben or Will finally getting to see them interact at story time.  Before we left we found some Christmas books to take home with us.  We had fun reading this book this afternoon.  I love that Penny and Ben enjoy books so much.

Also to make today extra special, since daddy was with us, we went out for lunch.  This was the first time just the 4 of us have gone out for lunch.  We have gone out with family but never just us.

So all in all it was a fun day!


  1. How fun that dad was able to come along, too. My husband hasn't been to our library story time yet, but he's made it to most of our other classes. I love it when he (or grandmas/grandpas) are able to come along and watch the boys, too.

    I love the series you have going. I'd love for you to share a few of your Christmas activities at my Season' Best {Christmas} Link-Up!

    So great to have some toddler specific ideas! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I don't trust Violet with library books yet but we do go to the baby story time at our library. I love it, mostly because I get to visit with the other moms!

  3. I'm a big fan of the library. There's so much exploring to be done there.
