November 26, 2012

Toddler Christmas Activity 1: Exploring Decorations

So I have decided that between now and Christmas I am going to complete 25 Toddler Christmas activities... slightly worried I'm crazy, but I think it should be fun if I keep it simple.

So with out further delay here is the first one

Toddler Christmas Activity Number 1: Exploring decorations.
Will and I put up most of the decorations at nap time.  We kept decorations simple and put them up high.  You can see our game plan on decorating with toddlers HERE if you would like.  When Ben and Penny woke up from their nap, they were mesmerized by all the lights.

Seeing their faces light up with wonder at the lights and all the decorations was so special.  It won't be long until things like that do not impress them much.  Watching them stare at the decorations with Christmas music in the back ground really filled my with the Christmas spirit.  The wonder in their eyes is what this season is all about.  I can't wait to do more holiday inspired activities with them.

Check out all the activities!
Toddler Christmas Activity 2: Playing with the Nativity
Toddler Christmas Activity 3: Watching the Grinch
Toddler Christmas Activity 4: Christmas Cards
Toddler Christmas Activity 5: Christmas Library Books
Toddler Christmas Activity 6: Stacking Christmas Trees


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