November 25, 2012

Decorating fort the Holidays with Toddlers

Decorating for Christmas is a tradition Will and I have always loved.  We bought out tree the year we got married and have loved putting it up every year.  We have all kinds of special ornaments and I love nothing more than watching Christmas movies by the light of the Christmas tree.  In fact, we found out we were pregnant the night we were putting the tree up two years ago.  Last year we had everything normal.  I have two 5 month olds, so they just kind of laid around and looked at the tree and the pretty lights.

This year I have 2 16 month olds.  Life is DEFINITELY different.  We live in an apartment, so there is really only one spot for the tree.  That just happens to be right where all the toys are.  I had been thinking long and hard about the Christmas tree.  I just couldn't stand the thought of not putting one up.  I also couldn't fathom trying to keep the babies from messing with it constantly.  As if the cat wasn't bad enough, toss in two toddlers and I would be redecorating the treat everyday and I'm sure we would have had a few ornament casualties.

So this year we decided to scale it back and move everything up high.

We still have tree, but we got a little one and put it up high.  It's small, a bit of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but it will do for this year.

As for Stocking and the rest of the decorations we put them up high on a bookshelf.

So maybe next year we will be back up to our normal decorating.  But this year, with two toddlers, this is just perfect for us.



  1. Sounds like a good compromise. I'll be in the same boat next year!

  2. It's hard enough with one I can't imagine with two! Thankfully Evie is really good about "Look, but don't touch!" and "We look with our eyes!".

  3. I decided the same thing this year, I don't want to spend the whole month saying " no Violet" LOL
