January 31, 2013

Wrapping up the January Challenge of No TV

This year I decided I needed to try and organize my life and try to get in control of it.  This is the year.  So if you have been following my story you would know my first challenge would be a month with out tv.  I did it!  January 2013 was my month with no tv!  I did watch some news and a few movies with the hubby, but I didn't watch any more than that.

January No TV Challenge

It surprisingly wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.  I found some huge positives to this.  I found I ate less.  If I had to sit down and eat with out the tv on I didn't eat as much.  I also listened to so much more music.  I rekindled my love with show tunes (I have always been a huge theater nerd.)  I liked to listen to them, I would listen to a whole sound track at night and it was like getting a story I could sing along with while cleaning my house.  I also found some new musicians I love.  I also read a lot more. 

Unfortunately, I was hoping watching no TV would make me super productive.  I'm beginning to see  that it needs to be a motivation change not just an outside distractions thing.  I didn't watch mindless tv..... but I did find things on the internet I didn't know existed.  I did spend some time on my blog, but I also wasted so much time on other things. 

Over all It was a really positive thing.  I am going to watch TV again, but I think I might change the way I watch it.  I plan to not turn it on during nap.  I also plan to not turn it on until dinner and toys are cleaned up for the night.  That being said... while I haven't been watch tv Netflix is now streaming the West Wing.  Tomorrow night after babies are in bed and everything is picked up.  Me, my tv, a glass of wine and some West Wing episodes have a date!

Tomorrow I will be announcing Februaries challenge.  It is a good one!  Make sure to check back!



  1. Impressive! I could go without tv in the summer maybe but when my favorite shows are on I have to watch them! My kids really need a no tv challenge - they'd totally fail.

  2. Woo Hoo! So glad you were successful! I am excited to see what your February challenge is!

  3. We don't have cable so I've gotten used to no tv, but you are so right that not watching tv does not make you more productive! I am the queen of wasting time online, lol. Pintrest, facebook, blogging and 2 hours later nap time is over and my house is still a mess!


  4. We gave up TV a couple ears ago for a while as well, and I found the same thing - I didn't have the distraction, but I still had to find the motivation to be productive!

  5. You did a great job Mary! I couldn't have done that.


  6. We don't have tv at all. Like you, I found it surprisingly easy to give up. Like you, I didn't find that I was much more productive. Time on the computer replaced it. I'm still glad to have it out of the house though!

  7. I finally got around to posting about my January goal today! I love this idea and it worked well for me. Sounds like it did for you too!
