February 1, 2013

February Challenge: Declutter My Life

Ok, so January I watched no TV.  It gave me a lot of time to look around and realize.... I have a lot of stuff!  It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over a couple of years, especially when you have two little ones.  With a move looming in our future it occurs to me.  I may have TOO much stuff.

So this year I am trying to get organized and get in control, so here is what I'm going to do this month.  I am going to get rid of (throw away/ donate/ give away) 10 items a day.  I think this is going to be pretty easy.  I don't think people realize how much stuff they have.  I know I still have drawers full of VHS movies and I haven't had a VCR in years.  I have tons of baby clothes I can give to friends. And just random stuff I need to get rid of.

I am really excited to start this because cluttler has such an effect on my mood.  I know when my house is clean and clutter free I am in such a better place.  I am less quick to anger at my family, I feel like I am in more control of things when my living area is clutter free.  Over all I am just a happier stress free person when my living area is clean.  So why is it always cluttered?  I say it is because I have too much stuff.  I haven't used some of it in years.  So I am going to start today.  I am going to go into this closet and start.  I am going to find 10 things I can get rid of.  Tomorrow I will do the same things, until this closet is clutter free.  Then I will move onto the nursery and our bedroom and the kitchen.  I really think this is going to be easy.  By the end of the month I may have a few tough decisions to make, but we just gotta clean it up and get ready for a new way.

So here we go.  My month of decluttering.  What am I getting rid of today?



  1. love this! I've been having the exact same thoughts about our home. When our house is cluttered I always feel more stressed. Good luck!

  2. Dude, I'm also trying to get rid of crap. I have two boxes/bags ready to take to Goodwill this weekend.

  3. I am totally into an organizing/ re-arranging mood these days! So much stuff to do to get ready for our twins and I have to do it now while I still have some energy and the ability to do it! Number one task is getting all the toys under control. Have fun de-cluttering!

  4. Awesome goal! I love getting rid of clutter and unused things that just lie around the house. We had friends over for dinner last night, and when Husband cleared the dinner table of all the envelopes, lesson plans, and junk we'd piled there, I almost felt the entire house sing a little joyful tune. Good luck clearing out the clutter!

  5. I am such a clean freak so I know all about decluttering. It feels SO good to get rid of stuff you don't use and that takes up space!

    Good luck with your goals!


  6. That is a great goal! We have so much clutter too I just might challenge myself to do the same thing!

  7. I am a big fan of de-cluttering and getting rid of things. My husband on the other hand wants to hold onto everything. It is a battle....that I usually win. LOL.

  8. Ugh, this reminds me how much I need to clean and de-clutter our house, too! I vacuum and clean the bathrooms once a week at least because I can't stand those to be dirty too long, but the other things, like swiffering and dusting, I totally let go. I hate doing it! I think the place that needs to be de-cluttered the most is my closet. It's small so it's packed and I don't think I wear half of the things. I'll be following you this month for inspiration!

  9. Good luck! Isn't it amazing, how much we can accumulate over time?!

  10. Good luck! Isn't it amazing, how much we can accumulate over time?!

  11. Good luck! I really need to do this too -- my problem is the baby stuff. I am keeping all of it for #2 (when that happens eventually) and I really don't want to throw out Evie's clothes in case we have another girl!

  12. This was one of my New Year's resolutions. I did really well the first half of Jan but have slacked off a bit since. I need to get back on it. Ugghhhh....

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