January 29, 2013

LWW & Toddler Activity: Egg Carton and PomPom Spooning

The other day I was filling out the questionnaire for the babies 18 month check up and one of the skills was uses a spoon with out spilling most of what is it.... ummm no.  They can't do that.  So I decided we needed some practice with a spoon.

So I looked at what I had laying around in my upcycle craft bin and I thought this would work.  I'd seen something similar on pinterest, but that used tweezers which we don't have.  So I thought we could try a spoon instead.  Play and practice using a spoon.

I basically just filled an egg carton with pompoms and gave them a spoon to scoop out the pompoms.

They had a lot of fun playing with the new stuff.  Ben did some spoon practicing, but he more or less just wanted to play with the egg carton and toss pompoms in the air.  Which is fine with me all exploring is learning at this age.  Penny sat down and tried for awhile though and had fun trying.

They had a lot of fun doing this activity.  We will definitely get it out again on slow mornings.  Hopefully it helped with a spoon a bit too...

What are some of your favorite activities to do with your little ones?

We have a lovely Co-Host today for our link up!  Go check out Leslie at Violet Imperfection.  Be sure to follow her and link up! If you would like to co-host drop me an email at adayinthelifefamilyblog@gmail.com

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  1. I've heard of this activity, but didn't think my 20 month could do it yet. I will give it a try! Thanks for the link-up

  2. I'm going to try this with Sofia. At almost 16 months she seems a little advanced for her age, but I'm not sure if she could do this or not. We'll try it out!

  3. How cute. What a fun activity for the wee ones. Mine is older but I like the idea anyway! :>

  4. I need to keep this in mind for my next kiddie. I did those evaluations for my son and he was seriously delayed when it came to feeding himself. It just seemed easier to feed him all the time since it was less of a mess but it didn't help him learn the skill. This is such a smart way to practice.

    Btw I am stopping by from Kera's blog. When I read in her post you had given up tv for a month I knew I had to click over and learn more about you. I am a tv junkie so can't imagine not watching it a whole month but am so impressed you made this a goal.
