January 7, 2013

I Survive My First Week of My January Challenge: No TV

Week one of my January Challenge: No TV

It was surprisingly not that hard.  I missed the habit of turning it on, especially when the babies go down and I need to sit down and catch me breath and not think for a minute.  That was when I really wanted to flip it on.  I have allowed the babies to watch some Elmo while I am busy with dinner, but that has been it.  I am really proud of myself.

I also really wanted to cave on Sunday night and snuggle and watch a movie with Will.  I do have our date night set aside so I couldn't justify  watching another movie.  We had a rough day (Penny and Ben are currently testing limits) so we just wanted to sit down and relax.  I wasn't sure what we were going do if we didn't snuggle and watch a movie.  How sad is that, I didn't know what to do with my husband to relax if we weren't watching a movie.  So I thought about it and we ended up having a really great night.

We made some personal pies and ice cream.  I also found a website that had listed 10 questions to ask your husband.  They were a great list of questions.  So we listened to one of our favorite playlists, ate a tasty treat and had some great conversation.  Take the TV!

So far so good!



  1. Great job! I think your night with Will sounds fantastic. Your are inspiring me, I have been contemplating a week without TV. Baby steps! LOL

  2. Good job! It's amazing how much time tv takes up. Lately I have been cutting back too! One of my rules is if we can't find something both of us like than it's time to turn it off. (most nights the TV is off)

    Keep up the good work


  3. Sounds like you're doing great! I don't know if we could survive a day without TV let alone a month, how sad is that!

  4. How awesome that you're doing a no tv month! I've often thought of getting rid of cable at least and just going with Netflix or something (baby steps, lol)

    I need to plan some fun at home date nights with my hubby that don't involve the tv. Thanks for that link of questions :)

  5. Congratulations!! That is an amazing feat ( as I sit here typing with the TV on..LOL )


  6. Sounds like you are doing well. When you take something out of the equation, it usually causes you to be more creative, which I think makes for the best memories. :)
