January 8, 2013

Little Wonders Wednesday #2 We Got a Case of the Babies!

First I just want to thank everyone who linked up and helped spread the word last week.  I appreciate it and I enjoyed your blogs so much!  Let's see if we can get even more this week!

I fear someone in this house is getting a slight baby obsession.... Luckily it isn't me just yet.

Penny is ALL about babies lately.  If she isn't playing with babies, she is sitting on my lap trying to get me to watch videos of babies on youtube, or trying to get me to show her pictures of babies on my phone.  All day all I hear is "BeBe" "BeBe".  I would love to find a dvd or something on netflix of just babies so I could get somethings done.

For Christmas she got a stroller. She plays with it CONSTANTLY.  Her babies even have to sit by her when she eats dinner.  She kisses her babies and puts pretend chapstick on them.  I think it might be the cutest thing ever.


And if we happen to be around a real baby she will just stare it eyes wide open and whisper "Bebe".  Then usually she trys to poke the baby in the eye.

When the time comes I am sure she is going to be a great big sister (well bigger sister, technically speaking she is the oldest).  She has a while to wait though.

Now for the fun!

Join us!

 Just follow these 2 simple steps.

1. Link up a post about your "little wonders".  Anything mommy related from easy recipes to funny stories.
2. Make friends!  Click around and find blogs you like.  Don't forget to leave comment love and follow the ones you like.

Optional steps

I would love it if you would follow me to stay up to date on Little Wonders.
Spread the word!  Grab the button.  Tweet about it.  However you would like.  The more the merrier! :)

Ready.. Set.. Link Up!



  1. Fr a minute I was worried you were ready for another baby....LOL

    I linked up an older post but it is a good one!

    1. Oh and Penny is adorable with her bebes. Violet likes babies too, she likes to eat their plastic faces...zombie baby. LOL

  2. My daughter is the same way with babies! She just got a baby doll and stroller for Christmas and she has a shopping cart too. That baby goes will us everywhere. It's even been waterboarded in the dog's water bowl. And put her in the same room with my 5-month-old nephew and she's kissing his head and pushing him around in the walker lol. Thanks for hosting this linky!

  3. Reagan is totally in that stage too! She loves taking her babies everywhere and now that Santa got her a kitchen for Christmas she feeds them now too :)


  4. Such a sweetheart! My daughter has become obsessed with babies too :) I love your blog, thanks for visiting mine and following. Returning the favor :) xo

  5. So sweet, I love little girls and babies, my daughter makes me be quiet for her daughters naptime :) so cute, but slightly annoying! I found you on That Friday Blog Hop and am your newest follower. Check out my blog sometime and follow back if you'd like :)
    The Real McCoy(s)
