October 16, 2012

A Little on Life with Joy

I love my sponsors.  I love getting peaks into life of other women living life and trying their best.  Marci over at Life with Joy is an inspiration.  She blogs about her family and her faith.  She also has all kinds of tasty recipes on her site.  I tried some and they are yummy.  This is a great blog to pick you up on a day when you need a little boost.  She has so many inspirational posts.

31 day challenge

Marci took the 31 day blogger challenge.  She is going to blog everyday for the month of October.  She chose the topic of Love.  These are definitely inspiring to read.  She gives you glimpses into her life and that warm cozy feeling that can lighten up your day all in one post.


I have tried the Beef Stew recipe and it was yummy!  I am definitely going to try more!

Weekend Times and Monthly Menu

She does these posts every week.  It is a little bit of day in the life blogging about what they did that weekend, and I love reading that.  She also adds the little bonus of her weekly menu.  You can get some great ideas of what to make.  Sometimes I feel like I make the same old thing, but this makes me go.  Huh?  I haven't had that in a while.  Maybe we should have that too!

Growls, smiles, and a cookie recipe

I loved this post.  It was a little get to know you.  I love finding out about people.  I love learning more personal things about the blogs I follow.  The reason I love blogging so much is the life line it can give to stay at home moms.  Blogs like this strengthen those ties with a little getting to know you.  PLUS a yummy cookie recipe!  Yes Please!

So head on over to  Life with Joy.  I promise Marci will inspire your heart and your tummy!

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