October 15, 2012

Remembering the Day It All Began

Our anniversary is next week and I have been trying to think of something special to do.  With Will being in a PhD program and me leaving my job to be with the babies we don't have much extra money for things like that, but I think I got something up my sleeve.  Stay tuned!

Trying to figure this out just had me remembering our special day.  It was so amazing!  I have so many truly special memories of that day.  It was all I dreamed of as a little girl!

After our wedding we spent a week in New Orleans.  It really is my favorite city.  I loved it and we came home way too soon!

Who would have thought 3 years ago when I was marrying the man of my dreams I would be here, a stay at home mom to the 2 most beautiful babies ever.  I don't think anyone saw this coming, but I wouldn't change it for the whole world.  I am so happy right now.  Even days that I want to pull my hair out or cry or drink a whole bottle of wine or all of these above, I still sit back every night feeling blessed with where I am and most of all who I am with.

Share your wedding story over at Toddler Along Tuesdays.


  1. I'm so jealous of your autumn wedding! The leaves are beautiful! Everything is beautiful --- I unfortunately am a strong believer in spreading out the celebrations and with my husband and I already having fall birthdays....


  2. You are a beautiful bride. Your joy is evident. :-). Xoxo. Happy almost anniversary!

  3. Love the pictures! Looks like a fantastic day. So many great memories!
    I would love to visit New Orleans one day. I should try to convince my hubby to go there for an anniversary :)

    Wishing you all the best on your Anniversary!


  4. It is totally the best feeling in the world (I think) to feel so 'at home' with the person you are with - everything in my life can fall apart, but being with my husband just makes things so perfect anyway... I love hearing other people say this!

  5. What a gorgeous wedding!! Happy Anniversary! Our 5th is next month, and I have no ideas... I will stay tuned! ;)

  6. I love that first picture with the beautiful fall foliage! Gorgeous!! Happy early anniversary as well!

  7. What a beautiful bride you were! I love the pciture right before the cake eating one! You two look so happy!

  8. Another fall wedding! It is the best time of the year!

  9. What a great story. Loved the photos, Mary. If you're still looking for fun ways to celebrate, I'd suggest checking out Friday Night Date Night and The Dating Divas . Hope you two have a blast (and a great babysitter!)
