October 17, 2012

Reagan's Closet Guest Post

Hello Readers of A Day In the Life ~

Thank you so much to Mary for having me on her blog today! I love reading about how she is able to find a balance between bliss and chaos with her twins on a daily basis. And recipes ~ talk about some amazing
 My name is Lanaya and I blog daily over at Raising Reagan. Reagan is my two year old, very smart, energetic toddler who keeps me smiling every day. It is true...there are days I throw my hands up and ask "Why did I sign up for this?"... but at the end of the day, even though I'm tired and worn out, and I'm laying those weary blue eyes down to sleep, that moment when she looks up and says "I love you mama," makes it all worth it! I’m a 32 year old wife and mother. I’m a stay at home mother, entrepreneur and my ultimate goal is to get kids active in their play and use their imagination! That’s why I started my online, educational toys for toddler stores! Reagan’s Closet and Reagan’s Toy Chest. I'm proud of what I have achieved and I am thankful for the fact every day that I have Reagan and my handsome husband in my life!

Educational Toddler Toys
 I have a bit of an obsessive compulsive issue! I love things at right angles, put in their particular places, and being on time! My hubby laughs at me because with all my OCD, I still have some really whacked tendencies. I eat ketchup on tacos, leave my socks in the bottom of the bed after I've taken them off in the middle of the night, and refuse to eat lettuce. I mean c'mon...lettuce? Totally worthless! If I could, I would be a student forever and I hope that my love of learning rubs off on my daughter. I'm already seeing some of
those traits in her so let's keep our fingers crossed. :)
Being a mother is amazing and I love being able to share my experiences with others! So please come over, say Hi, and let me get to know about what you are passionate about! Thank you so much to Mary for letting me be on your blog today! I wish her the best of luck with everything. I hope to see some new faces on my blog, don't be shy! I love having you! You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin and Google +. Please also take a look at my online toys for toddler stores! You won't be disappointed!

L♥ve, Lanaya


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mary for having me on board this month :)

