October 14, 2012

Toddler Approved Homemade Apple Sauce

Today we got another thing crossed off the Fall Bucket List.  We made some homemade applesauce.  It tastes so good on a rainy fall day.  It is super simple to make, the most time consuming part is cutting up all the apples.

Here is How I made it

I used 8 apples this time.  They were granny smith apples, I like them tart.
I used 3 tbls sugar
1/2 tbls cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg and allspice

This can definitely vary to your preferences and the quality of the apples.

All you do is just cup up the apples in to small pieces and mix it all up in a big pot.  It will cook down alot!

Just cook it on low and stir occasionally until it looks like this.  It will take 45 minutes to an hour.

This made enough for dinner tonight for the 4 of us and a snack tomorrow.

And it was definitely toddler approved!

This is a great fall treat and full of family fun! 



  1. Looks like the twins approve! Yum! :-)

  2. I like this Applesauce because it uses less sugar than mine...

  3. I have been thinking for a couple weeks now that I need to try some homemade applesauce. This post/recipe is perfect timing--thanks!

  4. I nominated you for the Liebster award for bloggers with under 200 followers. I love your blog! Check out my blog for the details.



  5. We still have a lot of apples left over from the 16 pounds of apples that we picked a week and a half ago. We may have to give this recipe a try!

    Visiting from Monday Mom Musings.

    Jenny @ Creatively Blooming - www.creativelyblooming.com

  6. Yummy..Thanks for sharing..I'm gonna give this recipe to my sis..Following from Crazy Mama's blog hop!

  7. I wanted you to know I awarded your blog with the Liebter Blog Award. Check out my blog to learn more. :-)

  8. Sounds delicious! My kids love homemade applesauce - I like to make mine in the slow-cooker. New follower from Wonderful Food WEdnesday :D


  9. Yum! I wish the good apples here weren't imported and smacked with importation prices to boot. Love homemade applesauce & love Penny's cute little face as she spoons hers in. Thanks for linking with me, Mary!

  10. Newest follower here! I found you through the Wednesday recipe link up! Thanks for the recipe, it looks so yummy!

  11. Thank you for linking up to Wonderful Food Wednesday! Love this idea and keep meaning to make my own. Will put it on my "Fall Bucket List" too!


  12. Can't go wrong with homemade apple sauce! Thanks for sharing at Meatless Monday!!

  13. I haven't made applesauce in far too long. And I've never tried it with allspice or nutmeg! Thanks for the inspiration. Glad to have you link up at Snacktime Saturday :)
