September 6, 2012

Toddler Activity: Having fun learning

Today we did another fun activity.  I love finding things around the house and turning them into a learning experience for the babes.  Today we took an old coffee can and cut some holes out in the lid.  Then we took some colored fuzz balls that the babies pushed thru the holes.  They had so much fun!  At first I would set the ball over the whole then they would push it in.  After awhile they were able to get a couple of them in all by themselves. 

This kept them busy for quite awhile.  They really had fun with it!  Although I wish I would have made two.... or we need to work more on sharing.... such is the life with twin toddlers.

I love activities that calm them down and you can actually see their little minds working.



  1. Will definately give this one a try :)

  2. Great idea. Sometimes the best toys are not really toys at all. :)

  3. Wonderful idea!! Im going to do this with the twins once they get a little older;)

  4. Great Idea! I love it! Evie loves to put stuff into other things so I bet she would love this!

  5. This is great! I've been saving Kayleigh's Puff containers so that we can do this know, when she stops trying to eat pom poms :)

    ♥ Bethany

  6. What a cute little game. I love that it is made from recycle. I'm sure they played it for a long time. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  7. What a fun game! This is awesome! :)

  8. That is a great idea. I think I might try it. Of course the poms will be everywhere but it looks like fun!

    Julie @ Naptime Review
