September 4, 2012

Camping with toddlers in the rain.... YIKES!

So as you may have read previously we are in the middle of a hectic couple weeks.  Last weekend we took the babies camping.  For the past 20 years or so my family has spent every Labor Day weekend camping.  We camp at a camp that is very near and dear to all of our hearts.  It is Camp Walter Scott and it is where my sister and I attended church camp while we were growing up.  Every year they open it for a family camp.  I love it and I know it is going to become a family tradition.  That being said making it that tradition made this weekend worth it, because I have bad travelers and it rained all weekend.

So they went down for nap great.  We had our lullaby cd from home and our favorite snugglies.  We were in a cabin and had a quiet room.  I thought we might actually make it.... WRONG!  It came time for bed, we went into our room for some quiet family time.  We brushed our teeth and read books and tried to calm down for the day.  No dice,  They cried for awhile until we finally gave in and decided to take a drive.  After awhile on the road they were both out!  So we attempted the transfer.  Ben did great.  Penny woke up but took the rest of her bottle and went back down.  Whew.. we are good.  I went out on the porch to spend some time with my family.  Then the crying starts back up.  I try everything, but nothing is working.  Ben is still out, but Penny is showing no sign of sleep.  So... sadly Will and I decide to drive home... an hour and a half... in the rain... at 10 PM.  Ben stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and they reported a good night.  Will and Penny and I got a good nights sleep.  Then we headed back that morning to spend the day. 

That being said everything else was fun!  It was great to visit with family and close family friends.  But by far the highlight of the weekend was watching the babies play outside.  They were able to do what they want and just explore, and with two of them and one of me that doesn't happen often.  But what I think everyone loved the most was watching them play in the rain.  They had never been in the rain before and they absolutely loved it.  They would just walk around and laugh and clap.  It was really fun to watch!



  1. So sorry to hear you had to head back home! I hope it was all worth it. Good memories...well, mostly. :)

    Love the new look of the blog, btw!

  2. That's a shame you had to go home, but sounds like it was a nice time overall, I love camping!
    Sylvia @

  3. Love the photos!

    My husband and I usually go camping every 4th of July. This was the first year, due to my pregnancy that we didn't go. I look forward to getting back into it once Declan is old enough. :)

  4. Two babies, camping, rain, sounds like you are one brave lady!
