September 9, 2012

Ahh sweet night together.

Life for us had gotten stressful lately.  We have been go go going!  And with babies who don't like to sleep anywhere besides their own bed, it can get pretty stressful!  Sometimes you go back to your week feeling like you worked harder on your weekend than you did during your normal week.  This weekend for the first time since July we had nothing to do! 
Will works on Saturday (he's a phd student, they are allowed to work him like a dog.)  So last night after he got home and the babies were in bed we sat down to a really nice dinner and some wine.  I feel like it was the first time I really got to talk to him and spend quality time with him in forever.  With how busy life gets its hard to remember you need to reconnect, even if it is someone you see everyday.  Getting that time to listen and enjoy each other is so special to me. 
After dinner we ate some parfaits, finished the bottle of wine, played some games and listened to a little Ben Folds.  I don't know about you, but to me, that is perfection!

Now I am looking forward to a lazy Sunday.  I'm going to blog a bit, clean a bit, but mostly spend the day hanging out with the best husband in the world and the two cutest babies on the face of the planet.
Right now I'm pretty content.

I hope you all enjoy your Sundays!


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