September 26, 2012

Fall Morning Spent at the Park

This weekend Will and I finally got some much needed family time.  We headed to the park that is right by our house and played with the babies.  As I have made note of in You might have twins if.. playgrounds have become a slight source of terror for me with two little curious toddlers.  So we took full advantage of our morning with Daddy and went to the park.  They had so much fun just toddling around and checking out all the equipment.  They got to go down the slide till their hearts content.  It did my heart good to see them do this.  It is something so simple and they just loved it.  It just reminds me of how blessed I am with this little family I have.  It really is about the simple joys... like playing at the park.

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  1. I love playing at the park! Glad you had a good time!

  2. Evie adores the park and always sleeps great after! :)

  3. So much fun!! It is nerve-wracking when they have no fear of jumping off high places though lol. My daughter still doesn't.

  4. Thanks for co-hosting the blog hop this week! Found you through there :)

  5. Hi, Mary! What a sweet post! Thank you for co-hosting the blog hop! *New Follower* -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  6. Looks like you guys had fun! I don't have twins, but I have a 2.5 and 1.5 (and now 7 day) year old's, so I understand the stress that the playground can cause :)

    Found you from the Friday Hop and am following by GFC.

  7. Looks like a great playground! A new follower from the Friday Hop. Following on GFC and Twitter.

  8. What a lovely blog you have ^^
    I come from the Friday Blog Hop, hope you can stop by my blog and pay me a visit too xx

  9. The twins are absolutely ADORABLE! Congrats on being the co-host of That Friday Blog Hop - it's nice to 'meet' you. ;) I'm now following you! :)

    The Age of Wisdom

  10. I love the park! A place where the kidos can play, and parents can relax! My favorite is getting some ice coffee and sitting in the sun at the park!
    Found you from the hop and now following you! Feel free to follow back!

  11. It sounds like a perfect day! They sure look like they had fun :)
    I love family days!

    ♥ Bethany

  12. DOes anything really beat the swings when you're a kid?! :D x

  13. I love the look of your blog. I'm following you from the Lil Dash of Diva blog hop and am your newest follower.

    Have a great day.

    Kimberly @
