September 26, 2012

September Sponsors

 Here are my wonderful sponsors for September!  Stop by and check out their blogs.  I promise you will love them!

 Hello! My name is Randalin and this is my blog. 

My partner, Kris, and I have been together since 2005.
In 2010 I gave birth to our son, Kale. 

By day, I work in research and planning, Kris works as an electrician, and Kale does his own version of work at a Montessori school. 

By night, we are a tight little crew of three - cooking and eating, riding our bikes, taking walks, reading books, and more often than not, chasing the little one and trying desperately to maintain our sanity. 

Find her here!
Find her here!

 Hi, we are Julie and Courtney from The Chirping Moms!  We are two moms that are close friends, who happen to be neighbors!  Between us we have four little kids, three and under, and spend our days chasing after them.  With our little moments of free time, we like to cook, attempt some new crafts, and sneak in some exercise!  On our blog, we hope to share a little bit of our adventures in "mommy world" with our scheduled feature days:

Monday Funday (Giveaways EVERY Monday with some AWESOME things!
"For the Mom" Tuesdays  
"Where to" Wednesday
"For the Kids" Thursday
"Favorite" Fridays

Hope you come join the fun on our blog, The Chirping Moms! 

The Chirping Moms Blog:
Twitter:  @thechirpingmoms

Coffee drinker, candy addict and self professed introvert, Taara blogs at Dual Voltage on the joys and challenges of living as a missionary abroad and raising her two kids, Lucas (3) and Elena (2) in a multi-cultural context. At her blog you'll find everything from craft tutorials to party ideas, cultural observations to parenting ephiphanies, and all sorts of random tidbits along the way. 
Find her here!


Check Sarah out here!


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post! And what a beautiful blog you have! I am your newest follower!
    Found you via the blog hop! xx
