September 4, 2012

Come Be My Sponsor GIVEAWAY!

So with my new blog design I am also accepting sponsorship.  I am really excited to do this because I love to spread the bloggy love.  I love to read other blogs and help others find out about the blogs I love.  Of course you will get you beautiful button proudly displayed on my sidebar, but you will get all kinds of shout outs on facebok and twitter!  I will pin fun new post onto pinterest.  I will do one big write up for double the love sponsors and a monthly write up for double the smiles.  Double the love will also get to write a guest post about whatever they wish.

I am looking forward to working with sponors.  I want to build a relationship with them and help them to build their blog in whatever what they would like.  I am willing to talk to you and help you out.  If that sounds like something you would like enter this giveaway!  I look forward to working with you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Love the new blog design! Very nice.

  2. This is such a great idea! You are doing a lot of work on your blog, and it's paying off :)

    Some of my favorite blogs are: Elm Street Life, She Breathes Deeply, The Thrifty Wife, and Finding Hope.



  3. I have so many favourite blogs, it's hard to pick just one! Lately I've been loving Ot & Et, Holdenon Baby, and The Stork & the Beanstalk.

  4. Love the new design---love Blue Eyed Bride, Kellys Korner, and Happy Home. SO many great blogs out there!

