September 3, 2012

Mommy and Me!

It's Tuesday!  That means it's time for tag along tuesday over at growing up geeky.  This weeks theme is mommy and me.  I went back looking thru all my pictures for pictures of me with both babies.  Sadly there are only 4 and none in recent months.  It is hard right now to take pictures with both of them.  I need to make an effort to get in front of the camera more.  If this was a daddy and me post it would be very long.  Well here are the pictures of the babies and me.

This is how I fed them a lot.  People ask how I did it.  This is how!
Head on over and share your mommy and me pictures!



  1. Oh my goodness - photo #2 is KILLING me! Their faces are too funny. I'm bad about getting out from behind the camera, too!

  2. Aw! They are precious, and you can see they love their mama! Love how you fed them too!

  3. I have hardly any pictures with me and my boys- yet we have a massive amount of my husband with the boys. It must be a mom thing- we are always the ones snapping the pictures! And yes, taking pictures of both kids at the same time- nearly impossible :)

  4. Such sweet pictures! I would have a hard time finding many pictures with me in them, too. We're always behind the camera!
