September 9, 2012

Twins New Favorite Game

I just love how much they are starting to interact with each other.  They seems to be quite amused by each other sometimes.  And they have found a new favorite game that cracks me up!

All of the cabinets are baby proofed except for the one I just keep tupperware in and they are allowed to play in that one.  They use to just get the tupperware out, but they other day they got the tupperware out and got themselves in.  They sit in there with each other and laugh.  They shut each other in.  They will even both get in there and shut the doors and sit in there and babble and laugh.  This has made getting dinner on the table a much more enjoyable experience.  I no longer have crying babes under foot wanting to be held or eat RIGHT THEN!  I have have laugh babies out of the way playing with each other.

Excuse us mom, this is just for babies!

So after those months of dealing with 2 babies and wondering when the double blessing instead of just the double work was going to start, I am actually starting to see that.  Some days I just love having twins!



  1. Too funny -- being inside the cabinets is my 2 year old's favorite place to be!!!

    New follower from Mom's Monday Musings!

    Jill @

  2. Good to hear they are letting you have a breather and entertaining themselves, what a relief for you. Thanks for stopping by :)

    Sylvia @

  3. Hi new follower from and I would love it if you would visit!

  4. This was so sweet! I found you through The Life of Faith (Mommy Momments Linky Party). I'm now following you.

    Tina - mom of 4 and author of 5 blogs

  5. so awesome and cute!! I too love when my boys completely exclude us out and play happily with each other!! :))

  6. This is so cute! I love it:) Thanks for linking up with Mommy Moments today. I hope you will stop by again soon! I'm happy to be a new follower;)

  7. They are sooo cute! I know it must be so challenging having 2 the same age, but it's nice that they always have a friend. My daughter gets so lonely on days we don't get to see other kids.

  8. Aww...they are so, so precious! Thanks for stopping by from the mingle. Now following you back :) Have a wonderful week!

  9. So sweet! Thanks for visiting my site, following along now too :)

  10. So Cute! I'm sure they keep you very busy!

    I came across your site from the Naptime review. Feel free to check out my site

    I'll be liking you on Facebook as well

  11. OMG, they are so cute!! Glad you found my blog; I'm excited to read more about you and your adorable kiddos!

  12. What fun! I'll bet that they just love tossing out the Tupperware to crawl in. My little girl like to tap on those containers and pull the smaller ones from the larger. Your final photo caption is hilarious!
