August 5, 2012

Twin Perks and link up: Monday Mom Musings

One nice things I am starting to realize with twins is the built in playmate.  I have always heard that, but they were just too young to play together.  While they are still a bit young, the other day I was in the kitchen and I heard Ben laughing.  He was just belly laughing over and over.

This is what I saw.

Of course by the time I got there Ben wasn't laughing quite as much, but Penny crawling into the toy box really amused him.  But for a few minutes he thought that Penny had gotten in the toy box was the funniest thing ever!  I look forward to seeing what they come up with in the future. (I may live to regret saying that)  They amaze me everyday.

Today I am teaming up with Jelli at Jellibean Journals for her link up Monday Mom Musings.  Please share your mommy stories with us!

Now it’s your turn! Please join me and link up your {Monday Mom Musings}; anecdotes, game & activity ideas, gems of wisdom, crafts, recent triumphs, or anything else that you’ve learned or would like to share with us this week about parenting.
HOW do I link? Read here.
Mama “MUSTS”:

  • Make a pal! Visit {at least} the two posts ahead of yours & COMMENT!!
  • Make it family-friendly {of course!} Please link to your specific post, not your homepage
    Optional, but appreciated:
    *Follow me pretty please!
    *Place the Mom Musings button link on your post.
    Button Code (copy & paste):
    <a href=”” title= “Jellibean Journals"><img src="" border="0" alt="Jellibean Journals"></a>

    1. hehe they are so cute! My brother and I were born 18months apart and we were the best friends ever, I can't even imagine how much fun (and mischief) twins would have together bless.
      Visiting from the Monday Musings hop x

    2. I can just imagine what fun this must've been to stumble across Penny in the toy box. They're going to have so much fun together, Mary. I'm sure you've got your hands full, but those two cuties are sure to bless your socks off, I'm sure of it! Enjoy your family and thanks for sharing the party fun this week.

    3. twins!!! ah thats so fun, i have always wanted twins:) they are darling!!!

      here from the moms link up!! :)


    4. Found you via Jelli's link-up! You've got a sweet blog and that pic in toy box was too cute ;) You've got a couple of little (very busy, I'm sure!) sweeties :) Thanks for co-hosting the link-up!

    5. Hey Mary. It's so nice to meet you! I also found you through Jelli's link up. Your twins are so adorable. I have always wanted twins - even though I would need loads of prayer daily. I am your newest follower. Thank you for co-hosting. :) Please do come say hello. I'm number 12 in the link up.

      Happy Monday!
      ♥ Stephany @ 'ol Mother Hyder

    6. Too cute!

      I look forward to doing link-ups like this! Not too much longer! :)

    7. Just stopping by from Monday Mom Musings to say hi.

    8. They're so cute! It's so great they have a built-in best friend! While mine aren't twins, they are 16 months apart and now that my youngest is 10 months, they are starting to play together more. It melts my heart :} Stopping by from Monday Mom Musings! Have a great week!

      Cameron {The Stimson Chronicles}

    9. I admire moms of twins! Seems like it would be such hard work. I have two that are only 18 months apart and they are finally (sort of) getting the hang of playing together. :)

    10. too cute! New follower! I have 3 under 3 and often feel like i have triplets hahaha but i can not imagine actually having twins! Wow!
      Misty @
      PS Id love to cohost this with you sometime and help get the word out! :)

    11. They are the cutest little ones ever!!

      Hope you’re having a great Wednesday! Drop by and say hello!
