August 4, 2012

Beating the heat!

I tell ya, this summer has been a doozy here in the midwest.  In the high 90s or 100s everyday in July and no rain!  It is impossible to get the babies out to enjoy any outside activities that don't include water, and by myself that is not usually possible.  Today we are supposed to get some storms, we'll see... 

So this week we went and spent some time at grandma's house.  With her help we played in the pool.  Ben was a little hesitant, but Penny loved it from the moment she sat in the pool.  By the end they were both crawling and splashing around.

So how have you all been beating the heat this summer?


  1. They are too cute, looks like they both love the water. :) We haven't been outside to play much at all this summer. My daughter doesn't mind it but I can't stand it, especially being pregnant. I prefer to take her to indoor play areas and the library and stuff. Can't wait for fall!

  2. Love all the pictures, especially the last one!

    I can relate to what Camille is saying, being that I'm also pregnant. I'm so ready for fall---even more so than usual!

  3. Oh my goodness!! Your kiddos are ADORABLE!!! We are just now getting heat in the 90's here in Oregon so yesterday my husband, son and I headed over to the coast where it was in the 70's! Great way to beat the heat although I am going to need to find some ways to do that here at home! Found your through the Mom's Monday Mingle and am a new follower!! I am also hosting a small giveaway if you would like to check it out! Have a great week!!


  4. Hi Mary. Your kiddos in the pool are such eye candy. Cute, cute! I've sort of got an obsession with my daughter in the pool pics too. Visiting from the Naptime Reviews hop today.

  5. I'm a new follower from Mom's Monday Mingle! The kids are so cute in the pool! I don't know how you do it with two! I have enough trouble with one in the pool. I also love the 'Mommy Truce' post! It's amazing how fast things change!

  6. Your twins are adorable!! I'm stopping by from the Mom's Mingle!

    Chantal @

  7. Hola all! While you're battling the heat w/pregnancy I'm battling it on the other spectrum. Inner flames and outside heat- oh joy. ; )

    Here from Mom's Monday Mingle. BB2U

  8. It's been such a hot summer for us too! We spend lots of time in the water, eating popsicles, napping under in front of the fan, and running through the sprinkler. Oddly enough, the heat doesn't seem to slow down my little guy like it slows me down!!

    Dropping by from the Mom's Monday Mingle :)

  9. Just stopping by from the Mom's Monday Mingle to say hi. The really seem to be enjoying the water. My son loves to swim.

  10. Found you via the Mom's Mingle!!! so glad I did :) What a great blog :)

  11. Evie is a total water bug, but hates her baby pool. I don't understand it! Glad you LOs seem to enjoy it!
