August 8, 2012

Getting ready for crazy!

So starting this weekend we are going to be on the go until late September.  We have showers, weddings, out of town guests, camping.  We are going to be go go going!  This would have been draining before twins... now I can't imagine.  I have always been a creature of habit who likes to be at home, but with two little babes that has just intensified.  I love to get out and spend a afternoon at the park or go to a play date with some friends, but I love coming home to the schedule.  So I am preparing myself.  Luckily everywhere is fairly baby friendly, so that is helpful. 

So today we are enjoying a day at home.  We have been reading books and building with blocks.  Some days I enjoy this more than going anywhere.  They are at an age where they are so much fun to play with.  Penny makes faces and will do some animal noises when you ask her.  She is learning a few signs.  Ben is starting to exert his will more.  He is getting quite the temper, and this is new for him.  He has always been my laid back guy.  They are just at an age where they are growing and changing everyday, I love spending watching them grow and learn new things.

So I might not be posting quite as much with how busy we are going to be, but I do have somethings planned.  I will be talking about the new schedule me and the babies are on now.  My blog is getting a complete over haul and maybe done sometime soon, AND I am getting close to 100 people and I have a pretty special give away planned.  So stay tuned!!

Here are some pics from out lazy day at home.

He was really playing happily.  I know he looks so sad in this pic, but I thought it was cute!

Again camera out... no smile!

This is a scrunchy face makes when she is pretending to blow her nose.  I love it!!


  1. Good luck! I hope that it all goes well. It can be challenging with twins, but I think that the variety is good for them. My recent experiences have reminded me how important their naps and bedtimes are. So, try to protect those if you can.

  2. Twins are so much fun but that are also a lot of work!! Good luck with your busy schedule! (: Stopping by from the blog hop.

  3. I am excited to see your schedule....we need to do something over here!

    p.s. I have a twin sister and we are the very best of friends! So fun that you have a set of your own!

  4. Totally agree---sometimes the days at home are just what we need! It sounds like the calm before the storm:)


  5. Can't wait for the new updates!

    Their expressions are priceless! Too cute!

  6. Your little ones are precious! I can't imagine how busy it gets with twins! Love your blog!

  7. They are so stinkin' cute!!! I'm so glad you linked up to the Mixer, friend, and I hope to see you again next week! :)

  8. THey are adorable! Found you on the Mixer. I am a twin mom too... mine are three. Following and would love a follow back!

  9. Hi there! Following you from the Return the Favor Hop ;) Stop by when ever you can
    xo sandra
    p.s your babies are ADORABLE!

  10. So cute! Sending lots of luck your way with all your plans! I can't even imagine that with my one little lady, let alone twins! Better send extra luck. :D Thanks so much for linking up with us for Find + Follow Friday! Happy to find a fellow mom blogger. :) Hope to see you next time!

    -Nicole @
