August 12, 2012

5 favorite photos

I love the blog of Multi Mommas.  It is a great place for multiple mommy to meet up.  This week they asked to see our 5 favorite photos.  This was a hard one!  I love so many of them, but with out further adieu, here we go!

 Our first photo as a family, I know you can't really see the babies, but I love this picture (don't mind me face... labor for 14 hours then a c-section will do the a to you.)

 I was so happy to capture some of those newborn moments.  They sure don't last long.

I love their faces in this pictures.  It is really hard to captures a cute picture of them both as the same time, but I love this one.

Look at those eyes!  How could I not love this pic of the babes?

I love how blue their eyes look in this picture!  I also like that is captures the fun things we are starting to be able to do with them.

So these are just a few of my favorite pictures.  Good thing it said to limit them to 5, this could have been very long!


  1. Adorable little boys!! stopping by from Mom's Musings :)

  2. Love the picture in sepia. Penny's little face is so adorable.

    Stopped by from Mom Musings!

  3. Oh Man they have the most stunning eyes! Stopped by from Multi Mommas.

  4. So sweet! Love these pictures! They do have beautiful eyes! :)

  5. OMG, I'm SO envious! They are beautiful babies! I wanted my last to be twins, but alas, she was one :) You must be so busy...

    I'm your newest follower, stop my blog sometime!

  6. Those newborn baby photos are so precious!

  7. Such sweet pics!! They are so adorable.
