August 14, 2012

Getting my life organized!

Sometimes I feel like my life is living me and I am  just holding on for dear life.  Lately I have decided to take some steps to try and get ahead of that.  There are a couple things I am doing to try to improve things (and they are not all fun)

One things I am trying to do it get up early.  The babies usually get up at 730.  So I am dragging myself out of bed at 630.  For those of you who know me, you know I am NOT a morning person.  I don't think I ever will be.  Just having that hour to myself to organize my thoughts, unload the dish washer, throw some laundry in, even if I just sit down with my coffee and watch the Today Show, it gives me a jump on the day.  When I hear those sweet baby babble I am so much more ready to go and get them and deal with the craziness that will ensue.

I am also trying to get myself on a cleaning schedule.  Being in a messy house has a big impact on my stress level.  I don't get much time to relax, but I never truly relax if I try to relax in a messy house.  Don't get me wrong I will sit and watch some tv or blog or do what I want, but there is that naggy feeling that I should be doing something useful.  Now I know that once it is all checked of my list I am good to go.  Also I have certain days for certain tasks, which doesn't make me feel like I have to get it all done. (Honestly that usually makes me feel like I have too much to do so I am overwhelmed and don't do anything)

I am also making a meal schedule.  I try and have meals planned for 2 weeks out.  This just take out some of the thinking of my day.  This also keeps me from ordering out, which is a bad habit of mine.  My only problem is grocery shopping with twin one year olds is still really tricky.  There are certain places I just can't go with them.  So trying to find time for that can be a bit hard sometimes.

The last things I have been trying to do is get those babies on a schedule!  They pretty much are, but writing it down and planning for it helps.  Making sure nap times and meal times happen at pretty much the same time everyday help me and them.  They like knowing whats next and they protest their nap much less because they know that after lunch and a few songs its time for nap.  Also I have been planning at
least one fun activity a day.  That can range anywhere from crafts to grocery shopping to library story time.

The schedule and menu are going up on the wall and the chore sheets for the family are going on the fridge to be checked off.  I will let you know soon how this is all working out.  I need will power to stick to this, but I think I can do it!

This week I plan to write more on our schedule and our day to day routine.  It has really been working for us, make sure you check back if you are interested. 


  1. I so need to get back in this habit. We do have a "chore list" on the fridge, and it does help. Even if it doesn't all get done, we have a visual goal. :) Meal planning helps sooo much, too. Again, when I can stick to it. Thanks for this post...I am feeling motivated, again.

  2. Great post. After a month of holidays I had to get back into planning meals and chores too. Writing it down helps so much and there is nothing worse than trying to relax in a messy house! It's funny because I am trying to do all the things you have talked about here! Power to both of us! :)

  3. I'd be a mess with twins. Looks like you've got a good method.

  4. Great post! This is something I'm working on right now. I definitely need to get a cleaning schedule in place before Declan arrives!

  5. That is hilarious -- I was just thinking that when our new bundle comes that I'd like to get up early to get a cup of coffee and sanity in before we start the day.

    As for dinner -- check out this link. I am going to give it a try. Menu on the front, shopping list on the back -- instant little shopping stack once you have picked your meals for the next week!

  6. I always clean the house at nap time and again at bedtime and that really helps my stress level! I keep meaning to do a meal plan but I never get around to that...

  7. I wish I wasn't such a night owl and could get up earlier than my boys! Like you said it would help get the jump ion the day. I clean morning and bedtime. Any other time there is no use because 10 minutes later a tornado of toys will hit. We do two week meal plans too! They really help keep things flowing come dinner. Chore sheets are an awesome idea!

  8. I so need to get more organized. I am terrible at it.
    I came over from the blog hop and I am now your newest follower.

  9. Great post, organization is key...however we all have those times of lacking it! I am by no means a morning person either, I know if I could drag myself out of bed before my kiddo wakes up at 7am I could accomplish a lot more. But I don't foresee that happening anytime soon ;)

  10. Holy smokes! You have a lot of stuff on your list. Good luck! I found you on the Wednesday Hop & I am a new follower. Come by & say hello!

  11. Totally know what you mean---I always feel like I could be more organized, right?!?! Thanks for sharing!


  12. Cleaning schedules are life savers! New follower from the blog hop!


  13. Heather really likes Fly Lady, though I've never checked her out myself. I know it's organizational/home/cleaning stuff.

  14. I wish my daughter would get on a schedule, so then I could have one. Heck, I wish I could get ready in the morning before she wakes up. I think the only schedule she has it sensing mommy is up for work at 6am, and it's time to be fabulous! lol. Once we work on that, then maybe I can get everything else worked out.
