August 15, 2012

Birthday Party!!

I am finally getting up some birthday pictures.  We got the pictures back and there are some really cute ones.  One of my friends is a photographer.  She has taken all of you family photos.  If you are in the central IL area check her out. True Calling Photography

So we had this picturesque first birthday in the park planned.  We were all ready to grill out and take cute pictures and have the kids run around and play.  Mother nature didn't quite agree with me.  That day the high was 107, so we had to regroup.  I called around and finally found a pizza place with a party room we could use.  I was upset at first, I wanted there first birthday to be special and the way I had planned it.  It turned out good though, and atleast it wasn't 107 degree inside there!

Penny and Grandma

The babies eating pizza with their God parents (The Mikes)
We were so blessed to have so much family there!  Ben and Penny are sure lucky to have so many people caring about them.

Instead of party favor bags we gave out giant bouncy balls.  They were a big hit!

We had two cupcakes.  We had Black Forest Cupcakes.  They were delicious.  We also had confetti cupcakes for all the kids.

Black Forest Cupcakes

Ben dove right in!  He loved it!

Penny was very dainty!

Ben says "Nom Nom"

She decided she loved it too!

We got so many presents!  The twins have been having so much fun playing with all of them!

Blocks with Periodic chart symblos. Thanks Aunt Erin! (Daddy loved these!)

So although the party wasn't quite what I planned, it turned out great!  We had a good time and made some good memories.  I felt like more of a milestone for Will and I than for the babies.  We did it!  We made it through our first year with twins!  There were some rough spots, some sleepless spots, some crabby spots, but there were also moments of sheer joy and happiness and moments of learning and growing.  The babies have grown and learned so much and really so have Will and I.

I love you Ben and Penny!  You make the world a better place!


  1. Oh my goodness, adorable pics! I have a confession…i've secretly always wanted twins (well not now that I have 5 kids but before, lol). Happy birthday to your adorable babies!!!!

  2. Birthday party looks wonderful! I remember our boys 1st birthday party, it was a great event and such a milestone. You MADE it to 1! Congratulations :)

  3. Beautiful photos lovely family you have. I am a new follower
    Happy Little feet

  4. Thanks for the plug! I must say, you handled the last minute change of plans very, very well. Hug those babies for me! :)

  5. Super cute party!!!

    Wow, 107 is insane, I thought the upper 90s we were having was bad.

  6. so so precious. you must be one busy momma!! how fun though with the party. LOVE the bouncy ball idea.. so much better than a bunch of random little things. =) stopping by and following from the mommy mixer.. =) so nice to meet you and see your precious fam!

  7. looks like fun for everybody!!!

  8. it looks awesome! Love the sticker on the bouncy balls!
    Visiting you from the Mommy Brain mixer. Do visit my blog when you have the time!

  9. They are so precious!

    You did a great job and congrats on making it to the one year mark! :)

  10. It looks beautiful! You would never have known you had to change plans! Love the idea of the bouncy balls as party favours!

  11. Super adorable! I have b/b twins who just turned three :) Twins are a blast!

    (NGF ;) Http://

  12. Yay! Making it to one year when you have multiples is definitely a cause for celebration! I know we felt a big sigh of relief when we hit that mark! Thanks for linking up with the Weekend Blog Walk! :)

  13. Hi. I found you on the Friday Blog hop. Your party was really cute. Please link this post on Monday to Multiples Monday on Capri + 3. I have four 21 month-old toddlers and I do a multiples linky each week. I hope to see you this coming Monday.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  14. Such cute pics and I love the favor idea! Am stealing that one for our future parties! Happy 1 year!

  15. Hi I just hopped over from Monday Musings. I just did a post about my daughter's 2nd birthday so this obviously caught my eye because I have birthdays on the brain :) Great photos - especially the ones of them eating cake - those are priceless! I LOVE the idea of giving balls as favors! I will definitely be stealing that one in the future ;) If you have birthdays on the brain too check out my post at

  16. Aw! Happy birthday to your sweet babies! It looks like the day turned out great although not quite as planned! :)

    And the bouncy ball idea as favors is fantastic! I may borrow that in the future! :)

  17. loook at that sweet happy face!

    Have a wonderful week! Stop by and say hello! :)

  18. The fun of kids can be seen in these pics. Kids Birthday Parties in Orlando are a great enjoyment for them.

  19. Aww. This party is simple and yet, so much fun! Your adorable twins really enjoyed your company and the birthday bash you prepared just for them. Based on your pictures, I can tell that they are excellent entertainers, and that they have an adorable way of cheering up the place. :)

    Nita Digirolamo

  20. Wow, I like all images, Thanks for your nice posting..

    birthday decorations
