July 24, 2012

Let's Go Swimming!

My mom and Will's sister, Emma, came up to visit and we took Penny and Ben Swimming.  It took Ben a minute to get used to the water, but Penny loved it from the get go.  After awhile Ben warmed up to the water, and we had a great time!

Ready to go to the pool!

Penny Swimming with Grandma.

Ben with Aunt Emma.

Penny's a bit more adventurous in the water.

Although she never opens her eyes for pictures...

Swimming wore them out!  We had a good nap that day.

I love days when we get to do fun things like go to the pool!  It is a nice break from the day to day.  They babies really enjoy it, thanks for the help Grandma and Emma!


  1. HI! I am your newest follower & I just loved your cute little blog and wanted to nominate you & present you with the Liebster award!!

    I added you to a list of 11 other wonderful bloggers I've come across that I really like, here:


  2. They are so cute! Looks like a perfect summer day! :)

  3. What a great bunch of photos! Visiting from jugglingactmama.blogspot.com from the Mommy-Brain Mixer – hope you’ll come visit me too :)

  4. Too cute! What a fun day! I'm so glad you linked up to the Mommy-Brain Mixer, friend! I hope to see you again next week! :)

  5. Your babies are adorable!! Looks like a fun day!
