July 23, 2012

I want to make the world a better place!

Today I am linking up with Growing up Geeky and the Toddle Along Tuesday to discuss dream jobs.

 I've always had big dreams. I got my first degree in theater and I loved it. I have worked for opera, theater camps all different kids of theaters. I love it. But I found where my heart really is when I started doing campaign work. I went back to school and got a degree in political science. I worked in campaigns for awhile. I was president of college democrats and worked on some pretty major campaigns and assistant campaign managed some smaller campaigns. I loved it and I did it for a few years, but even doing it that long made me jaded. I saw a world where money won out no matter how you tried, I was losing my faith in the system. I no longer trusted that the right choices were being made, just that they were being bought. I packed up and became a preschool teacher until I was put on bed rest with the twins.

 Things have changed for me though. After having Ben and Penny my outlook has changed. Although I don't have a desire to work the crazy hours campaigns have, I do kind of want to get back to it. My drive to make the world a better place is back, and that is because I look at them and I want this world to be better for them. I feel like I may not become so easily jaded because how could I just stop trying because I don't like what I find. So although I have no direct goals to go back to campaigning, I do think I eventually will. It's amazing what having babies can to.

So maybe because of this

 I will go back to this

To make this a better place.


  1. We need more people with big dreams!! I'm a park ranger, because I beleive we need to save some amazing places for future generations :) - like our amazing kids! Loved your post.

  2. Go you! If anyone can change the world, it's us moms, because we have so much to fight for. :)
