July 27, 2012

One year Twin update!

So this is a little late, but we finally got to the dr and had their first year check up, which sadly involved 4 shots and having blood drawn.  I'm not sure who hates it more the babies or me.  It was awful!  After comforting from the shots we have to walk across the building and help restrain them while they are getting blood drawn from their arm, not to mention Penny's veins roll.  No fun!!

But I do love to see how much they are growing!  I can't believe it has been a year already.  It seems life times away to think about those two tiny babies I brought home from the hospital and sat up rocking with them, feed them, snuggling them.  Now I am lucky to get a few snuggles while they are playing.

How can you not love that face?
She now weigh 23 pounds.  She is in size 12-18 months.  She is finally getting some hair, hopefully I can put some cute bows in by the end of summer. 
She is walking.  She babble all the time.  She says mama dada nite nite and kitty.  She is working on more everyday.  Her favorite toys are books and baby dolls or stuffed animals. 
She is very passionate!  She knows what she wants and she definitely lets you know.  She is a very happy baby, she laughs and giving kisses. 
She loves to dance to the Laurie Berkner Band.  It is our go to mood improvement tool.

Ben playing at his friend's birthday party.
Ben is 24 and a half pounds, although I swear he feels much heavier!  He is also in 12-18 month clothes.  We are really considering  a first hair cut for Ben.  The top of his hair is long.
He is walking, but he still crawls some of the time.  He does that funny frakenbaby walk.  I love it!  He babbles, but he doesn't talk yet.  His favorite toys are books.  He will sit and look at a book and turn pages and babble like he is reading it, it is so cute!  He also loves this fisher-price elephant that shoots balls out of its nose.  He also loves to rough house with Daddy.
Ben is a more reserved baby.  It takes him a little bit to warm up to people and new places.  He is so cuddley!  He will sit on my lap and cuddle for a long time when he wakes up from nap.
He also loves to dance to the Laurie Berkner Band.  He just kind of bounces and claps, I love it!

Right now I love being woken up to the sounds of them babbling back and forth to each other.  They are so happy in the morning and they just sit there across from each other and jibber.  It's so fun to watch!  They are still doing basically side by side play, but I am really looking forwards to them being able to interact more with each other.  Right now they only play together to take away toys and hit each other.  We are really working on being gentle with each other.

Well stay tuned for the pictures and a blog about the birthday party.
Feel free to follow me by twitter or the facebook page.


  1. They are so stinkin' cute! Sorry about the shots and the blood drawing. Boo hiss!! Watching them grow is the best thing, and you get to watch TWO! :)

  2. Awww they are so cute!!! I admit, I always wanted a twin. I blame it on reading way to many Sweet Valley High Books as a teen. Then I hoped my daughter would be a twin, but no luck...yet. You have such a cute family :)

    Btw, I'm your newest follower via the @ Home Take 2 blog hop. Feel free to swing by my blog and check it out.

    The Importance of Being Reese


  3. So cute. I found you through Crazy Mama's fun blog hop. I linked in a fun bumper sticker. Have a super week.

  4. Oh Mary...simply adore the memories your post brings back for me as a Twin Mama! You have PRECIOUS little ones!

    Thank you so much for popping by Twinfatuation and for playing along with Makes My Monday...hope you will often!

  5. They are so precious! Great update! :)
