September 30, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent Flop

So I did it. Everyone posts these and talks about how great they are. They really are a lot cheaper and last forever. So I thought I would give it a try. 

The one I tried called for 2 grated bars of fels naphtha soap, a box of borax, a box of baking soda, a box of washing soda, some purex crystals for scent, and a box of oxiclean.  Easy right?

It was slightly time consuming to grate the soap but other than that I mixed it all up on a tub in minutes  

At first I really liked it. It worked pretty good and smelled good. Then I realized it didn't always get the stains out of my kids clothes. Then after awhile I realized it wasn't getting the deodorant out of my clothes and I was getting those nasty yellow armpit stains. So I started using more than the two table spoons it said to use. When I did that I noticed it was really tough on my clothes and was fading them a lot. 

So after  3 months of using it I have a bunch of faded stained clothes and  not happy about it. I thought of trying another recipe, but I'm not sure I want to with how long it takes to use it up. 

Have any of you used any recipes you liked that were good enough to get out stains but not fade your clothes?  If not it is back to Tide for me. 

1 comment:

  1. We haven't used homemade laundry soap (we did homemade dishwasher soap, but it didn't work as well as the store powder). However, I was going to tell you that, if you DO do it again, I heard that you can melt the soap (instead of grating it) in the microwave. Then, when it cools, it's supposed to be crumbly and will just fall apart. I guess it saves a lot of time :).
