September 23, 2013

Down on the Farm

Yesterday the organic farm Will works for had a farm day. Some of their customers and workers all got together and had a potluck and tour the farm. It was really great to get to see where Will works. It is amazing how much healthy food they are able to provide for people on a fairly small plot of land. They have pigs, chickens, and a big market garden. They have cows on some land somewhere else. It was great to see. 

And let me tell you Ben and Penny had a ball. Penny loved going in and out of the barn. And Ben... Let's just say Ben got a new favorite thing. They had a small chicken out in a pen for all the kids to see. Ben would not leave the chickens pen all afternoon and all we have heard about since is the chicken. We hope we can get some chickens soon. Ben would be so happy!


  1. Awww! Too cute! Glad you guys had so much fun on the farm. :)

  2. This is so awesome!!!! How neat to not only be apart of this but for your kiddos to, as well. :)
