June 8, 2013

Stay at home mom going to work woes

So I was blessed to be able to stay home with my twins for almost the first two year. Recently some life changes and sacrifices for a family goal have put my back in the work place part time. I work 3 days a week.  Will has them one day a week and my mom watches them for two, so I know they are happy and being well taken care of, but I miss being a stay at home mom!

That being said, I love my new job!  I work with great people. I have a fantastic boss. I work with kids who need love and help.  When I'm at work I am happy. I love the interaction and the feeling of helping people.  I get to work with kids, but still have some officey organizey stuff.  For for me that equals fun + my love for office supplies and organization. This is one of my favorite jobs I've had. 

That being said also, I miss staying at home with my babies. I miss all the activities I used to do. I miss all the things I had planned to do with them at this age. 2 is so fun!  I miss the spur of the moment picnics. I finally have a backyard for messy art projects. AND it's summer for backyard water fun.  I know I still get time with them, even more time than most working moms, but I still feel I'm missing out. Being a stay at home mom was the first time I was truly content. The first time I felt "I'm really good at this and I enjoy this". Now I'm not saying I felt that way everyday, or even most days.  Sure there were days I wanted to pull my hair out, but I Loved being home with them. 

So here I am loving my new job and really missing being a stay at home mom.  I feel like I am trying to pack so much into all of my time. I know I am helping my family in achieving some dreams we have but I still have mixed feelings. At least I like my job.  It would be even harder to leave for something I hated.

I know many other mothers struggle with these same problems. Do you have any advice on reconciling these feelings?  I am open to what life has to bring and I'm just trying to figure out what life has in store for us.

Here is Penny and Ben swinging at grandma's with the other kids she watches.  I may miss them like crazy, but Atleast they have a good time!


  1. Hi Mary,
    I understand how you feel. I've been off work since Jacob was born 18 months ago and dread the idea of ever having to go back and him not be with me all the time. I love being with him all day.
    Thanks for linking up at Raising Imperfection, I'm Angel the June Co-host. I'm also your newest follower and hope you will visit me and follow me also.
    Angel @ sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com

  2. First of all ... it's nice to see that you are back! It's been forever! :) Second of all, the twins probably do miss you but you get to also know they are well taken care of when you can't and that is what matters most!

    Thank you for linking to Raising Imperfection.
    Please come back Friday to see if you were featured. :)

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  3. I have been wondering what you have been up too, so happy to see you back :)

    It is so nice that the twins are with family while you work, that is a wonderful arrangement,

    Thank you for linking up to Raising Imperfection!
    Make sure to check back on Friday to see if you were featured.

  4. Wow! The twins have really grown!

    I can relate to those feelings, I'm applying for part time work right now and it's hard to think of leaving Declan even knowing he will be with his dad! I'm sure they miss you, but just remember you are doing the best you can and I know they cherish the time they are with you.

  5. I work 30 hours a week and it is so hard to leave Destructo now that he is two and much more fun to do things with. Plus he always gets sad and doesn't want me to go Sunday evenings when he knows Monday is coming. I hate it most days, but some days getting away is nice.

    I would love for you to come link up with us at the Tuesday Baby link up.


  6. I recently had to work part-time in the evening while my husband watched the kids. It lasted about four months. (I never actually wrote about this on my blog.) It was extremely hard because I didn't like the job (waitressing) and even though I wasn't missing very much of my children's "awake hours," I felt like I was missing out. I didn't get to do story time or the bedtime snuggling. Plus I was tired the next day from not getting enough sleep. Thankfully, it didn't last long. I wish I had better advice but just keeping remembering you like your job, it isn't full-time, and you don't have to worry about your kids while you work.
