June 4, 2013

And I'm back!

Wow!  I can't believe it was been so long since I blogged. Life definitely has changed since I blogged last, some of these changes are why blogging got out on the back burner for a bit.  We have dealt with major life changes, moving, job changes, career changes, and still tried to keep up with our precious little ones.   Needless to say it got crazy.  We are now moved and settling into jobs.  I will be blogging about our new house, Will's new career, my return to work, and of course our crazy (almost 2 year old. Ahh!) twins.  So stay tune.  But in the mean time, here's a picture of Ben and Penny.  

I can't wait to catch up with all of my old bloggy friends (by the way I will be selling a blogher ticket bought at the early bird price if any one is interested)

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