March 2, 2013

March Challenge: Spring Cleaning!

For the month of March I have decided to do a bit of a continuation on February's decluttering challenge and I am going to get down and dirty and do some much needed deep cleaning.  I am going to spend  each week of march deep cleaning another part of the house.  With the move coming up in a few months there is no time like now to start working on things like this.  It always feels so good to sit down at the end of the day in a clean house.

So here goes with the March Challenge: Spring cleaning.  Week one I will start in the kitchen.  Time to make is sparkle.

What are you challenging yourself to do this month?



  1. Looks like February was a success because of how decluttered you feel! I hope that March is even better for you!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  2. I need to deep clean, I really do. Especially before Violet's birthday party!

  3. I had to take a break from the "domestic" goals (making my lunch every day and keeping a cleaning schedule). For March I've decided to try and re-discover my love of music.

    Good luck with the spring cleaning! I'll probably need to take that one on in April :)

  4. Spring cleaning---aaahhh!!! I started with the attic---the pit of our house;)
