March 2, 2013

February Decluttering challenge over and I am feeling much lighter.

So this past month I made a commitment to get rid of 10 things every day.  If first I thought the first half or even three quarters of the month would be easy, but them I might have to make some tough decisions towards to end of the month.  Let me tell you I was wrong....

And I was wrong in an unexpected way.  After getting rid of 280 items I didn't even finish going thru the nursery and didn't start on the kitchen.  I had no idea how many things I had been holding onto.  I am not a pack rat and can pretty easily get rid of things, but why then did I have clothes from 12 years ago I hadn't worn in years.  Also we are moving in a couple of months so I was really inclined to get rid of things.  I think I could continue thru the month of march and still have more stuff to get rid of.  It is amazing all the stuff we keep and all the stuff never use or use so seldomly we would not even miss them.

I really enjoyed this challenge though.  It was great to get rid of stuff.  It felt really good to just get it out of the house!  You should try it, I think you would be surprised how easy it is to find stuff to get rid of.

Make sure you check out my March Challenge.  Spring Cleaning!


1 comment:

  1. I need to make a cleaning schedule and stick to it. I let it get bad and then I feel overwhelmed. Bah.
