January 22, 2013

Little Wonders Wednesday and What to do with sick babies?

This week Penny and Ben have had terrible colds.  It just seems like this year they can't catch a break!  Last year they had a few runny noses and that was it.  This is our second go around with sniffles and hacking coughs.  I hate to watch them be miserable and know there is nothing I can do about it.  I hate that!  When I feel like they do, I take cold medicine and emergen-C.  There is nothing over the counter I can do for them.  What are some home remedies people try?

Right now I put a little Vicks rub on their feet before bed time and I crank up the humidifier.  I put vaseline and burts bees baby cream on their little chapped cheeks.  All of this seems to help, but I just wish there was more that I could do for them.

Poor little guy needs to feel better soon!

What do you do when you little ones have terrible colds?  Help!

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  1. Have you tried tried saline for stuffiness? A always gets real congested when he's sick and can't breathe out his nose. The saline helps!

  2. Aww, poor babies. I hate it when they are sick and miserable. I hope they feel better quickly!!!

  3. Sorry about the little ones. I can totally relate! New to your blog and hop. I've put your button on my pinterest page.

  4. Poor babies! Hope they feel better soon!

  5. We are in the same boat, and to top it off, both of mine a teething, so mix that into it, and it's just a mess! For our baby, we don't do too much other than humidifier, saline and tilt the bed mattress hoping that he doesn't roll all over the place and end up upside down in the crib. For the 2.5 year old, we do the same, but there is some herbal cough medicine that is safe for 2+ year old that we do, and that helps a bit to loosen the crud, and honey to coat the throat. A routine I know all too well this year...I'm totally ready for Spring!

  6. I hope the little ones get better soon...
    I linked up my guest post from today ~ Sarah unpotty trained her son. No joke. Next week I will have some stories of Reagan to share :)

