December 13, 2012

Life happens...

So I had this great plan.  I was going to do 25 days of Christmas.  I had the activities planned out.  I have the craft things I need bought and my list ready to go.... but then life happened.  Isn't that how it always goes?  They got sick.  I got sick.  We had visitors.  Will has his Prelim this week. Add all that up with the approaching holiday and I don't know what I was thinking!? 

So I am going to trim down to the 12 days of toddler Christmas activities.  I think that will be more manageable.

So stay tuned... I have Santa pics coming up! :)



  1. Life happens! 12 days of activities sounds fantastic to me!

  2. We just got sick too! I think Jarrod might still be. It stinks that sick time is the same as holiday time. I think 12 days still sounds awesome :)

  3. There is definitely something going around. Glad you all are doing better!
