December 18, 2012

Toddler Christmas Activity 8: Go See Santa

If you know Ben and Penny you know Penny is very social and quick to say HI! and warms up quickly, Ben takes a little more time.  He takes longer to warm up to new people and especially new situations.  So I was not surprised when we got our Santa Picture this year.

I had another option where Ben wasn't screaming and but neither of them were smiling, but this is the reality of our visit with Santa.  Penny enjoyed the Santa, hopefully next year will go better with Ben.

This was a fun activity though.  There were lots of other things to do at the mall when we went to see Santa.  They were a little young this but it was still a good memory.  I can't wait for next year.  I think they will be really into Santa.



  1. Is it wrong that I kinda love the crying Santa pictures? LOL

  2. This truly made me laugh! It's always so interesting to see how children react to Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc.! This is too cute (crying and all)!!!
