December 26, 2012

Holiday Lesson Learned

This was the first Christmas the babies were aware of and able to do fun things for, so I was gonna do it all.  I was going to start Christmas traditions, do all kinds of activities and all kinds of things.  I had it all planned out.  Our family kept getting sick or visitors would come or something would happen.  All of my wonderful plans did not all happen.  We all know the saying.... We plan and God laughs.

That being said, we had an amazing Christmas.  We didn't need to do all the extra stuff to make it special.  We kept it simple and it was perfect.  I may not have accomplished the things I thought our Christmas season needed to be a special Christmas season full of activities and traditions, but I think I like what happened even more.  We were able to see most of our family around Christmas and settle in for a cozy Christmas at home.  This year I learned it doesn't all have to be planned and followed and according to plan.  Sometimes good things happen when not every thing on the list is checked off.  This year I learned it is more special to take the time to enjoy the love and create memories that way as opposed to creating a picture perfect holiday.   My favorite Christmas song is Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and our Little Christmas was wonderful.

More on our Merry Little Christmas to come!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

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