December 27, 2012

A Merry Little Christmas

Our family's Christmas had it all.  We saw family, ate delicious food, opening wonderful presents, but most of all we got to see the special twinkle in the babies eyes that only Christmas can bring.  Being almost 18 months they are not fully aware of everything yet, but they really enjoyed things this year.  They loved playing with the nativity.  When you ask them what Santa says you get a "HOHO" in response.  They definitely got the hang of opening up presents.  Having babies definitely makes the holiday season very special.

On Christmas Eve they got to open up their Christmas PJ's.  Then we put them to bed and Will and I got everything ready for the morning.  I have to say, I haven't been this excited about Christmas morning since I was a little kid.  I was so excited to get them up and watch them unwrap presents.

Penny just had to sit and look at it for a minute.  She loved her new baby and especially her new chair.

It was so special spending Christmas morning opening presents and playing with new toys.

They are growing up so fast!  I mean look at Penny.  My babies are not babies anymore.

Now what am I going to do with all these toys?
 Ben doesn't care what I do with them.  He's just happy to play with them and have a special day.



  1. Violet got the same baby doll for Christmas! :)

    So glad you had a great holiday.

  2. The kiddos are just too cute! Something about little ones and Christmas makes your heart melt! :)


  3. What beautiful kiddos you have! :) Love their smiles. Christmas is definitely a magical time when you have little ones.

    Found you through Super Sunday Sync, hope you have a great evening!


  4. Hi. I found you through the Super Sunday Blog Hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a minute. Happy New Year!

  5. Your kiddos are so adorable! I love penny in those shades. ;)
    I'm a new follower from the super sunday sync!


  6. Hey, new follower from the Super Sunday Blog Hop. Adorable pictures! Looking forward to checking out your blog some more. :)

