October 8, 2012

Sponsor Sale!

Passionfruit has a special going this month, so I decided to offer one to my readers as well.  If anyone would like a sponsor spot I am offering 50% off for the month of October.  For Double the smile you will get a few shout outs on facebook and twitter.  I will pin a few post that really catch my eye.  You will also be have a spot on my month sponsor post.
With Double the Love you will have all those things plus a big sponsor post all about you.  I pour through your blog really getting to know you an pick my favorite post and share them with my readers.  I will also help promote anything you would like help with.  I am here to help you grow your blog any way I can.  If this is something that sounds interesting to you check out my Contact Me page and find out how. 

The code to enter is OCTOBERSALE
It's a great deal!  I would love to get to know you better!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary ~

    I just purchased your large ad for the month of October and am excited to work with you!

    I also am nominating you for the Liebster Award which will run on my blog tomorrow.
    Please check it out...it will post at 7:30 Pacific.

    Thank you,
