October 27, 2012

Our Night Alone!

Last night my mom had the babies and Will and I got some much needed alone time to celebrate our anniversary.

Sometimes it is able to lose each other in the day to day hustle of life.  Taking care of the kids and working crazy hours and getting caught up in all that and forgetting to slow down and appreciate each other.  It is so important.  So that is what we did!

I made a yummy dinner!  Chicken Supremes, Paprika Potatoes, and Garlic Green Beans.  Yum!

Delicious dinner and beautiful flowers!
Also we exchanged our presents.  I got a new camera!  I'm super excited because mine doesn't turn on all the time and it takes pictures really slow, not great for trying to catch cute toddler moments.

I was so excited to get Will his present.

I bought him The Avengers to watch for our home date night and made a yummy dinner.
Then I wrapped 11 other movies that we already own.  Ones he is always trying to get me to watch but am never in the mood for, some of his favorite guy movies I can't stand, and some movies that mean something to our relationship.  I have planned out one of his favorite meals to go with every movie and I filled out a note card with a clue to what the movie is.  I labeled them all for each month.
So basically I have set up and entire year of cheap date nights!  I'm so excited!  It will be a little something for us to look forward to every month.  I get to know and anticipate, and he gets to be surprised every month.
Second Month Chili and Blazing Saddles

All in all I am so excited for this year's anniversary.  It makes up for the fact that we both forgot it last year, but hey trying to take care of two infant twins I was lucky to remember my own name.'

I look forward to sharing our date night with you every month.



  1. Love this idea! Maybe I should do this for Aaron. He would love it if I would sit down and actually watch Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. haha!

  2. I like this idea. It's so hard to make a date night now with the little one and working too. I may give it a shot.

  3. Your meal sounds yummy. Hope you have a lovely night together

  4. Happy Anniversary! Love that date night idea! How fun and creative. My husband and I just celebrated our 12th on the 27th! Glad you had the chance to get out together w/o babies! It's so vital (we have 3 kids).
    Found you through the My Froley Blog hop!
