October 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful husband!

Today we have been married for 3 years.  I can't believe it.  It is one of those things where it doesn't seem possible, but in the same breathe it feels like we've been together for a life time.

We started dating 5 and 1/2 years ago.  We were both getting our second degrees in cities about 2 hours away, but we made it work.

We were married October 24, 2009.  It was perfect!  It was my dream wedding to my dream man! 

The following year we celebrated our first Anniversary with a great little trip.  I love that my anniversary is the weekend before Halloween it makes for great travels.  Little did we know this would be one of our only get aways.  Weeks later I became pregnant with my two little bundles of joy.

Honestly last year.... We both forgot our anniversary.  Life was just to busy trying to manage 3 month old twins and a PhD program.  I look back on those days and wonder how me made it.

This year, this is what we deal with.  Life has gotten so much easier.  Although we are not together today, this weekend my mom is watching the babies and Will and I are going to get some much needed time together.  I do have something special up my sleeve, so stay tuned.  I can't post about it yet and spoil his surprise.

I got him a year of dates!  Check out our night and his gift HERE!



  1. Congrats to you and your hubby :) Hope you guys have many, many, more wonderful years.


  2. Happy Anniversary! October 24, 2009 was truly a beautiful day to get married!!

  3. Happy anniversary!!! I love your long hair in that first picture!! I don't think I've ever seen pictures of it before.

  4. Happy Anniversary! And I totally understand "forgetting about" your anniversary last year, LOL. I have twins, too. They are now almost 6 years old, so I'm coming out of the "crisis" stage. :) Seriously, unless you have twins, you just don't know........! I will have to continue to stop by and see what's up with you and your fam. I LOVE your wedding picture, by the way. I'm so glad it was your dream wedding and may he always be your dream man. :) (By the way, I am stopping by from visiting the NY Melrose Family blog.)

  5. Happy Anniversary. Y'all are too, too precious! Xoxo

  6. Happy Anniversary!! What an adorable family you have!

  7. Happy anniversary!!

    Beautiful wedding pic, btw!

  8. Happy Anniversary Mary! What a beautiful life you have built together! Best wishes for many more happy years.
