October 22, 2012

Meet my October Sponsors

I have another fun group of ladies sponsoring my blog this  month!  I have really enjoyed learning from all of their blogs!

Meet Marci!
She blogs over at Life with Joy.   I have really enjoyed her.  She is very spiritual and inspirational.  Her blog will definitely help you up if you are feeling down.  Check her out!

Meet Leslie!

She blogs over at Violet Imperfection.  She has the cutest little girl.  This sight is full of cute baby picture, be warned her site could cause baby fever.  She also have a fun blog hop on Sundays.  It's a great hop, you should definitely link up this week!

Meet Lanaya! (Who runs Reagan's Closet)
Reagan's Closet

Reagan's Closet is a great site with some really awesome toys!  I am a sucker for high quality toys.  Toys that are educational and make your babies think.  Toys that are not going to break after a month of being played with.  Check this site out!  It has really great stuff!

Meet Amanda!

She Blogs over at Sassy and Sweet.  I am super excited to be sponsoring her.  We actually taught together before she moved off to Texas with her beautiful family.  She blogs mostly about her time spent with her two adorable daughters.  She has great pictures and good stories.  Check her out!

Meet Chelsey!
She blogs over at The Halbert Homestead.  I love her stories of raising her cute little guy (also her new little girl she just had YESTERDAY!)  She always has fun pictures and stories of her day to day.  You really feel like you are getting to know her when you read her blog.  She is one of my faves, so definitely check her out!

There ya have it!  Those are my lovely sponsors this month. 
I would love to sponsor you.  I love getting to know people better and helping them promote their blogs!
Let me work and help you too!
Find out how HERE.
I am having a 50% off SALE for just a few more days, so don't miss out!!


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