July 1, 2012

Zucchini boats ~ Pinterest Party


As we all know pinterest can be addicting!  I know I pin tons of stuff everyday.  I have decided to make a conscious effort to actually make them.  I will share with you how they go.

Tonight for dinner I made Zucchini Boats.  These were delicious!

Basically you scoop out the seeds and brush with olive oil, garlic and salt.  Then you put in the tomatoes and bake it at 350 for about 30 minutes.  Then add cheese and basil and cook until the cheese is melted.

It was so simple yet so delicious.  Will loved them!  His sister is a vegetarian and he said next time she's over we should have this for dinner.  We just ate it as a side, but if I made some pasta and these it would be totally filling.

For more details check out the site here.

Join the pinterest party in you have anything you would like to share.  Also you can follow me on pinterest by clicking on the link in the side column.

Happy Pinning!
Pinterest Party!


  1. Those look super delicious!! I found you via the Mommy's Mingle and am happy to be your newest follower! I'd love for you to follow me back at http://www.two-in-diapers.blogspot.com. :)

  2. These look really yummy! I looove zucchini :)Thanks for linking up, Mary!

    ♥ Bethany

