June 30, 2012

Summer times picnics, my favorite night of the week.

We have been having a fun summer, until this recent heat wave struck.  We used to go to the park a couple times a week.  Once a week we would pick up Will from work and have a picnic.  Picnic night is quickly becoming my favorite night of the week.  I pack most of the lunch during nap time.  So all I have to do when it's time to eat is toss it all in my picnic tote, get the babies in the car, and go get Will.  The babies will eat just about anything, so it's easy.  This week they had cheese sandwiches, blueberries, and one of those grabber things.  It is just relaxing to eat dinner on our little picnic blanket.  Then afterwards we can swing or walk around for a little bit.... or swing.  Penny LOVES to swing.  Ben likes it, but Penny is swing crazy!

Picnics work out well for us with Will's crazy schedule and their being so many parks in the area, but I hope it is a tradition we continue.  It is really good family time, and you gotta make the most out of those moments when they come.


Penny enjoying our picnic

Ben and daddy relaxing with each other.

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