July 13, 2012

Sweet Moments

Hi guys!  Today I am guest hostess over on Healthy mommy, Healthy baby,  You should go check out the Sweet Saturday link up.

Today I am sharing another sweet story about my favorite time of day.

Lately my favorite time of day has been the moment Will get home for dinner.  The babies are so happy to see him.  He is greeted with squeals and "Da da."  Nothing warms my heart quite like that.  He then gets down on the floor and plays with them while I finish dinner up.  I'm not sure who loves it more Will and the babies or me.  I always knew I married a good guy, but watching him play with them just makes me even more thankful for him.

This picture may be blurry, but I love it.  It epitomizes play and playing with twins.  There are just babies everywhere it feels like.

Will playing airplane with Ben when Penny came to join.

Please come on over here and link up, share something sweet.  A tasty recipe, or if all you have is a sweet story that's fine too!


  1. hi! I am a twin momma too and a new follower via the Sweet Saturday Party. My kids are 10.5 months. Congrats on getting through the first year!!! Would love a follow back if you get a sec - Jen at http://experimentmom.blogspot.com

  2. Hi There,
    Following you from the blog hop. Your twins are adorable! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi, visiting via the weekend blogwalk! Your babies are adorable!
