July 15, 2012

It's going to be a great week in the blogisphere!

I have some great things coming up this week!

I have been working on a cloth diaper series.  I made the decision to cloth diapers for a lot of different reason.  This week I will share those reasons, plus my favorite brands, my must have accessories, and everything I have learned from cloth diapering two babies for the better part of a year.  So if any of you moms out there are thinking about it I'll have plenty of info, and those who have been doing i for awhilet throw in your tips too!

I also am going to be a featured blogger this week on multiples and more.  I am very honored and excited about this.

Also this week I just got a facebook and twitter if you would like to follow this blog on either one of those websites please do!

facebook  and Twitter  Stop by and check it out.

I'm really excited to share these things and we have some new coming changes to the website.  So stay tuned to see what's new!


  1. Found you via Weekend Blog Hop! Anyone with twins deserves a medal in my book:) Looking forward to reading more---come check us out at http://www.thechirpingmoms.com!


  2. Following you on twitter girl! Alot of friends are using cloth nappies, they're super cute! Can't wait to read all about them!
